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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Top Three Energy Drains

Most of us want to live our lives with passion, zest and joy. We all want to have enough energy to do more than make it through the day. We want to feel energized and fully alive. Our active lives today are usually filled with activities and things that weigh on us. Below are three things that consume our precious energy and make us feel less than our powerful, fully alive selves.

Too Many Choices: Today everything we do and everything we have requires thought, decisions and action. Even watching TV to relax requires you to choose from hundreds of channels, make decisions about time and place, reach agreement with significant other, and determine what's appropriate for family members. The TV we bought probably required trips to several stores, research of the consumer magazines or Internet technology sites, price comparisons, discussions of size, type (HD or not), flat-screen or plasma, console or table-top, etc. Expand those choices to things like cereal, cars, careers, diets, cell phones and cell phone plans, and you can see we are inundated with too much, too often. A strategy for reducing this stressor is to simplify. Simplifying will mean fewer purchases, fewer, more satisfying belongings and less activity around what you own and do. Start small and take baby steps.

Yes Too Often: Many of us are trained from birth to be helpful and nice, especially women. And those are good things, but not when they rule your life. We say yes to PTA, being a room mother, helping with Boy Scouts, chairing a committee, helping a friend move (YUK!), going to parties and dinners, and on and on. Those are all great if you have the time and really, deep-down want to do them. However, being able to say no to things you do not want to do or cannot easily fit into your life is an essential way to reduce stress and have more energy. You don't have to give excuses or explanations, just say, I'm sorry, I can't take that on right now. I have a magic phrase that works every time if you are shy about saying no. Just say, "that doesn't really work for me". It's very difficult for someone to argue with it or convince you that you can take it on. Just keep repeating it when pressured. Any request or activity you say yes to should be one that gives you fulfillment, satisfaction and/or pleasure.

Too Much Work, Too Little Play: Many Americans are spending more time at work than ever before. It is one thing to work a decent workweek for your salary, another to give your life energy away to make money for someone else. Even running your own business can consume your life if you are not mindful. Every hour you spend at work over and above what is absolutely required is an hour you could be spending getting to know your family, finding and nourishing the right relationships, developing your creativity, having fun and pleasure, finding out who you really are through hobbies or personal growth, relaxing, meditating, exercising, or volunteering with your favorite organization. Most of us have a choice about how much we work. Start now to really examine how much of the overtime you put in is really your choice and not a requirement of the job or the career. Read inspiring stories of others who have cut back and are still doing well in their careers. This life will be over before you know it. Don’t waste it.

All blog content is copyrighted, all rights reserved, Mary Anne Fields and Life Unfolds, 2006

Business Success - Fear of Overwhelm

Often, entrepreneurs throttle the forward movement of their businesses because they are afraid of being overwhelmed. Overwhelm may take the form of too many hours worked, having to do too many thing that are unpleasant, unable to take off work, too many demands, etc. It is important to recognize that this is what may be keeping you back, if it's true for you. Fortunately, there are ways to overcome and work with this fear.

1. Create a crystal clear vision of the desired outcome or goal for your business. The crystal clear vision includes what, when, how, why, where, who and especially how you will feel with this desired outcome. This will keep you motivated and moving forward if it is clear and compelling. It will also consistently give you a measure of whether you are on the right track. For example, if your vision has you working no more than 20 hours a week and around your family life, and you suddenly find yourself working nights and weekends, you can clearly see you are off track.

2. Ask yourself at each step along the way, “what is my desired result?” For example, if you are meeting with someone about starting a project, before the meeting, ask yourself “what is my desired result or outcome?” You can ask that question the day before to give your subconscious mind time to mull it over and ask it again right before the meeting to remind yourself of what you truly desire to have, do or be. This works in any situation; meeting with your son’s teacher, buying a new dress, writing a book, communicating with your significant other, etc. It’s like magic!

3. Constantly and consistently measure your actual experiences with your desired result. If you have clearly stated your desire to work a certain amount, or to have a feeling of satisfaction and calm, for example, when creating your business, is that what you are getting? Is that what you feel? Feelings are an important indicator of whether you are on track. This should be done daily to have real effect.

4. It’s all about choices! With each choice you make, you are setting the stage for the next results. For example, if you are asked to do a project that you think will take six months (at your desired rate of work), and the requestor says it must be in three months, what are your choices? First, you can say yes and work really, really hard, throwing all your desired outcomes out the window to make it in three months. Second, you could say, let me think about it. Then go figure out a way to get additional help, delegate some of it, do it smarter. Then go back and negotiate payment for the extra help. Third option might be to negotiate the deadline asking for five months instead of three and then figuring out a way to still have your desired result and meet the negotiated deadline. And there are a hundred other choices you could make as well. The only trick with this is to remember, that we are looking forward and it is always a guess as to how it will play out. That’s why the other steps are so important.

5. Notice the subtle signs of fear and overwhelm. Don’t wait until you are so fearful that you can no longer move forward or so overwhelmed that you are exhausted and on the road to burnout. Make it a daily practice to ask a question in the morning and a question in the evening. The morning question is “what do I intend to happen today?” and the evening question is “did my day meet my intention, and if not, why not?”. You can do a “lessons learned” each night so that you learn from your experiences and your old programming and patterns don’t take over. This should not take more than a few minutes.

If you are struggling with overwhelm, a coach may help you to succeed easier and quicker. Click here to contact me.

All blog content is copyrighted, all rights reserved, Mary Anne Fields and Life Unfolds, 2006

Monday, July 10, 2006

Business Tip: Skyrocket Your Business Through Referrals

Referrals are one of the best ways to build your business. After all, if a trusted source refers to you, it's worth it's weight in gold because you already have half your work done for you. You already have credibility and a certain amount of trust from your new customer. Just based on their relationship with the person who referred them to you.

So how can you get more referrals, especially when you are new in your business?

If you are in a services business (psychologist, coach, hair dresser, cleaning, etc.), think of who knows your ideal client. Make a list of all of those service provider types who might also deal with your client. For example, coaches sometimes have to refer clients to psychologists, massage therapists, feng shui specialists, personal organizers, accountants, financial planners, attorneys, housecleaning services, wedding planners, etc. If your business is any of these, have you directed marketing towards coaches? Can you use this idea and do some out-of-the-box thinking about who may be able to direct clients or customers your way?

Make a list of every one you know who is in a business who may be able to refer to you. Be generous and include more than you think is strictly applicable. Get out your rolodex or your business card file. Even if you do not know the person well, add them to the list. Now write a marketing letter that introduces you and your business in a positive, catchy way. Include a professionally taken photo. Directly ask for referrals and offer to refer to them. You may even offer a money or service incentive for the referral (e.g., $50 if they sign up for X or 25% of amount spent in first visit, etc.). Be sure to include the kind of information the referring person would need to make the determination about your qualifications and fit for their client. Make it as easy as possible to refer to you. Include all your contact information and a few business cards. Ask if there is something you can do for them in return. This letter needs to be very professional looking and include a brochure or other information that makes you stand out from the crowd.

Here's one more idea for the people-person entrepreneur. Hand your business card to everyone you meet. You can do this all the time, or if you have to work up to the idea, only do it at lunch time or only on Mondays. At least try it a few times to see how easy it truly is. When you drive through the bank or fast food line, hand the cashier a card with a big smile and ask for their referrals. When you pick up your dry cleaning, stop at the grocery store, meet with your financial planner, visit your attorney, give them your card and ask for their referral and business. After a month you will have given out hundreds of cards. After a year, thousands. Referrals often come from the most amazing places, so be bold and hand out your cards. And all for free!

If you have other ideas about getting referrals for your business, please make a comment to this article.

All blog content is copyrighted, all rights reserved, Mary Anne Fields and Life Unfolds, 2006

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Business Tip: Say Yes to Marketing

I think it was Dan Kennedy, world famous marketing machine, who said that we are not in the business of X (massage therapist, selling widgets, web designs, etc.) but instead are in the business of marketing. If you own your own business, you know that marketing takes a huge chunk of your time and is critically important to your success in the business.

That being said, it's amazing how many of the business owners I know "hate" marketing or have an aversion to it. I cannot count the times I've heard a smart, ambitious business owner say "but I don't understand why I can't just do my business and have people recognize my value without me having to tell and sell them!". It is the extremely rare business that does not have to market itself.

I have this belief and have experienced it for my own business and also in coaching business clients that because you need to market does not mean it has to be difficult and uncomfortable. There are literally hundreds of ways to market your business. I believe that we all can find the ones that work for us. And by "work for us", I mean are easy and pleasant AND bring the results we desire, that is, success in our business.

Let me give you an example. Every marketing book will tell you that networking is vitally important to your business. They recommend attending one or more, preferably more, of those breakfasts or happy hour business networking meetings. Now I know several folks who are incredibly good at this and love it. Their businesses have grown, some significantly, through this type of marketing alone. But suppose you hate this kind of marketing...dislike getting up early and dressed in a suit for the breakfast meeting, stumbling through the one minute business introduction, shaking hands and smiling for an hour or more with people you don't know. Not all entrepreneurs are naturally inclined to be good at this. Now some people are able to learn this skill and truly enjoy it. If that's you, go for it. Test it out and see if your business grows using this method. If you shudder at the thought of it or make yourself do it out of sheer willpower, trust me, it will show and will put you at a disadvantage. What could be worse, to do something you don't really want to do and not have it show results anyway?

I am a big proponent in finding the right mix of marketing methods based solely on what is right for your style, is easy and pleasant, and by measuring the results it brings you in new clients and customers and income. Here are a few examples:

If you love to write:
- Write articles and submit them to the many print and online journals, magazines, directories including all your contact information and tagline
- Produce written products to give people a taste of who you are or what your business does online
- Offer to write articles as a joint venture with others in or out of your field
- Write a regular column for a local newspaper or magazine
- Create a website for people to get to know you and to sell your products or services
- Send out a direct mail piece, unique and beautiful.

If you never met a stranger and like working with people in person:
- go to those networking meetings mentioned above
- attend other meetings (women outdoors groups, sierra club, junior league, whatever) with the express purpose of networking for your business
- give your business card to every person you meet

If you like talking to groups:
- put on a free workshop at your business or local library. Be sure to have marketing materials to give away
- give speeches to business groups, professional associations or wherever your clients and customers hang out

If you speak well, but are nervous about large groups:
- give a free "teleclass" on a topic of your choice
- give an interview on the radio
- create an audio product such as an interview with you or even a short class that can be offered as a giveaway to help people get to know you and your business

These ideas just barely touch on the many ways you can market your business. I'd love to hear from you about what works for you? Please leave a comment.

All blog content is copyrighted, all rights reserved, Mary Anne Fields and Life Unfolds, 2006

Monday, July 03, 2006

Holistic Business Journal

One of my articles was recently published in the Holistic Business Journal. Their tagline is "You're too smart to do business the hard way!" I couldn't agree more with them. It is sometimes difficult to find business related resources that are in alignment with my goals, beliefs and values. I am finding this journal very useful and inspiring for my own business. If you want to check them out, click here. My article, Freedom versus Stuff, is published in their July issue at www.holistic-business-journal.com

All blog content is copyrighted, all rights reserved, Mary Anne Fields and Life Unfolds, 2006