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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Free Screening of the Movie: The Secret

Movie: The Secret

If you haven't seen the movie about the law of attraction, The Secret, you can see it now online for free. Here's the link:


Monday, December 11, 2006

FIve Ways to Touch Your Clients

As small business owners, we know how important our clients are to our livelihood. Marketing experts say it takes abour seven "touches" with someone before they will feel comfortable buying from you. And this is at the low end of buying. If it is high end, like coaching or therapy or big ticket items, it may take more. I'm always looking for more creative ways to connect with potential clients and students and customers. Here are a few from my own experience.

1. Go through your files or database or customer list right now. Separate the names into currently hot (bought in the last three months), stale (bought in the last year) and cold (bought prior to one year ago). Also separate out those that contacted you, maybe take your ezine, but have never bought from you. Develop a contact email or snail mail for each category offering something to bring them back into an active status. Make it enticing and they will come. Be sure to track the responses so you can repeat successes and improve failures.

2. Send out a holiday greeting. It doesn't have to be in December. Any holiday will do. Be sure to include something about your business, a new offering, a new service or product.

3. Send out birthday greetings on their birthday and include a special offer. Also don't forget to celebrate your own business milestones (one year in business, certifications, store openings, ezine anniversary, etc.) by sending out a mailer.

4. Send out a greeting on a non-standard celebration, such as Bastille Day or Groundshog Day, etc. Make it funny or entertaining and include a special offer.

5. Give a free assessment. Invite them to visit your website where they can take a free assessment on something that relates to your business. ("how happy are you" "are you ready for a new career" "find the perfect holiday gift for your mate" etc.)

All content copyrighted, 2006, Life Unfolds and Mary Anne Fields. All rights reserved.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Ten Ways to Take Advantage of a Slow Time

Many businesses have regular slow times, often around the holidays or in the dead of winter. Instead of feeling anxious about this, use the time to do the things you have been putting off. Here is my own personal list of what I'll be doing over the holidays.

1. Get organized. End of year is a perfect time to clean out files, get rid of old papers and books. Generally clean out your office and filing system to prepare for the new year. This will help not only your working environment, but your physical and mental energy.

2. While you are cleaning out, notice how many client or customer files have gone dormant. Pull them all together and make contact. Offer a freebie or a discount that may bring that client back as an active client.

3. Plan for next year. Develop your marketing plan for the start of next year. What new products will you bring forth? What new services? How will your business grow and change next year? Now is the time to start thinking about and preparing for these new initiatives.

4. Review lessons learned. What good things happened this past year? Why did they happen? Can you build more of that into your next year? What calamaties occured? Can you build preventions into your systems so that it doesn't happen again? This is the time of year to look back and see what happened and what caused them to happen. What marketing strategies really worked and which ones failed? Has your customer base stayed the same or changed over time? Are your name and branding understood and do they still serve you? Do your computer systems work well? Do you have adequate backups, virus and spyware protection and updated programs?

5. Produce one new product or service. We all have felt like we don't have enough time to get out another product or service, something that will add to our income. Now is the time! Set yourself a goal and a schedule and get started in this slow time.

6. Review your metrics system. How do you keep track of your business? You know, tracking how many clients or customers you have, repeat or new business, how much spent and on what, marketing campaign results, etc. These are called metrics and will help you understand and grow your business. Review your metrics and see if you are tracking the rights things. Is there a better way? Are there things on there that do not help you? Are there things you should add? Are your metrics serving you and your business?

7. Review your systems. We all use systems in our businesses even though we might not call them that. We have a time management system (calendar, day planner, computer calendar, assistant, etc.). We have an accounting system, whether it is an accountant, a computer program such as QuickBooks, or a paper and pencil system. We have a shopping cart system whether it is done through snail mail, on the computer or in person at a retail establishment. Often we outgrow our systems and they no longer are efficient. This would be a good time to determine if changes are needed. Another great step is to document your systems. Actually write down a procedure, the steps to accomplish all of the normal activities and tasks required in your business. This makes it much easier to train employes, to give work to a virtual assistant or to get temporary help when you need it.

8. Send out holiday greetings and marketing material. Your list is your gold mine. This is a great time to contact everyone on your customer or client list and also those on your vendor or associate list.

9. What's the one thing you regret not having done in your business this year? Maybe it is a goal you did not meet or an action you took that didn't turn out well. Is there something now you can do to remedy this situation? Something you can do to meet that goal?

10. Take time out for renewal, refresh yourself for the new year. Relax.

All content copyrighted, 2006, Life Unfolds and Mary Anne Fields. All rights reserved.

Holidays and your Customers

The holidays are a great time to make contact with your clients and customers. If you have a mailing list, now is the time to send out holiday cards. Be sure they are non-denominational (happy holidays instead of merry christmas or happy hannukah). Be sure to include your business contact information or a freebie such as a calendar.

Marketing studies have shown that you probably will need to touch a client seven or more times before they will buy from you. That means seven or more advertisements, articles, newsletters, emails, phone calls or other material put before their eyes and ears. Holidays are a perfect time for one or more of those touches.

In your holiday greetings, aim for personal and memorable. After all, if your card is just like every other business' cards, why bother? The card or e-greeting itself can be special, either artistic or particularly touching. The freebie can be unusual. Or your message can be memorable.

If time is short, there are greeting card services which will do the addressing and mailing for you.

If you do not have a mailing list, start one now. Your mailing list is pure gold.