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Monday, June 26, 2006

Boomer Humor

Looking for a greeting card line that:
• Helps baby boomers laugh at life’s experiences?
• Shows baby boomer women enjoying and celebrating their journey through life?
• Portrays baby boomer women as they want to be seen – vital and energetic?

I'm always looking for new and creative ways to communicate with my friends, clients and family. I just discovered these cool greeting cards. They are a kind of boomer humor cards for women boomers. I like them because they are so positive and not insulting like so many cards I see. Check themout for yourself.


Friday, June 23, 2006

Top Ten Ways to Make More Money without More Work

Many of us believe that the only way to make money or to increase income is to work harder. Often this stops us from being truly financially successful or achieving that next level. We work as hard as we can, even to the point of burnout, and just don't see a way to work harder. The truth is we don't have to work harder to make more money. We've developed some psychological link between hard work and money. In this case, though, just because you believe it doesn't make it true. And, this limits us from seeing easier ways to do things.

Here are ten ways to make more money in your current business without a significant amount of extra work. See if this doesn't open the way you look at your business opportunities.

1. Raise fees or prices. Counterintuitively, this often brings in more clients, rather than fewer. Test it out if you don't believe this.

2. Offer and sell more high dollar services or products. You probably already have one or more of these. Add more of the same (that is market more often) and sell more or add new ones.

3. If you do workshops, teleclasses or group sessions, make sure the classes are full. Hold larger classes, less often. Same effort, more money.

4. Allow others to make money for you. If you have assistants or employees, allow them to offer products or services under your auspices, using your marketing machine or your facility, for a cut of their fees. You can also license out your products and services.

5. Put your assets to work for you. If you have a building, rent out space, even by the hour. There are lots of freelancers who need a space to meet with clients or to hold classes. If you have an assistant, could someone else pay you a fee to give him or her occasional work? Do you have a street sign or a delivery truck you could "rent" out? What about referral fees? If you often refer to your favorite web designer or printer or accountant, are you getting referral fees or at least discounts?

6. Collaborate with others. This can be within your field or outside. Often new entrepreneurs will do most or all of the work in exchange for your marketing machine. And you both make money by selling the final product or service.

7. Repackage what you already have. If you have a product that isn't selling too well, can you combine it with something else to make it more appealing? If you have been teaching a workshop or producing a program for awhile and it no longer is selling as well, can you revamp it, change it's focus, upgrade it a bit (remember, we're looking for minimal work) and sell it again? Do you have a service you can break up into smaller chunks to sell individually or combine several into a "gold" package? Of course, price so that you make more money, rather the same or less.

8. Develop new products or services from supporting material, old products or marketing material. Often we have lots of material just sitting around that, with a little effort could be made into a salable product. For example, if you write articles, combine them into an e-book or booklet. Maybe you have an old interview you did with someone, turn that into an audio product for sale. Workshop or class material can be turned into workbooks, manuals, e-books, booklets, or shorter workshops or teleclasses.

9. Affiliate with others. They sell your products (for a cut) so you sell more. You sell their products for a fee.

10. Widen your distribution. This could mean sell your electronic products in more than one place (your website, clickbank, etc.) or by using affiliates. Exchange marketing with others, be creative about where you sell.

All blog content is copyrighted, all rights reserved, Mary Anne Fields and Life Unfolds, 2006

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Business Tip: Monday Meeting

Start every Monday morning off with a metrics review and action plan. Metrics are simply measurements of what is important to your business. Depending on the business it can be almost anything. Choose the most important things that contribute to the success of your business and measure them. For example you might measure: repeat customers, top 10 customers and how much they spend, number of new clients, number of prospects converted to clients (or conversion rate), income from affiliates, income from various products and services, subscribers to your ezine list, etc. You can record these numbers in a simple spreadsheet.

Update these each day or at least once per week, preferably Friday end of day or over the weekend. Then first thing, Monday morning, review these metrics. If you have staff, the review should be done with them. They each will have updated their own parts of the spreadsheet. You will be looking for what has changed, what is your progress, what is working well and what seems to be broken or lagging. For example, if you notice that all of a sudden you are getting double the number of calls from prospects as usual, figure out why. In your weekly action plan, set out actions to duplicate your success in this area. If you notice that no one is signing up for your ezine, ascertain why. Set out weekly actions that will correct this or get you back on track. If you notice your income is not at goal or above, then think of new ways to create more income. Add action steps for this week to make this happen.

Metrics are a gold mine of information about your business. And can be very motivating as well.

Do you keep metrics? What has it done for your business? Do you have suggestions for others around metrics? Add comments.

All blog content is copyrighted, all rights reserved, Mary Anne Fields and Life Unfolds, 2006

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Easy Time and Date Converter

I found this great little tool online and wanted to share it with you. How many times have you had someone traveling overseas and wanted to know what time it is there? Or wanted to attend an international online event but are not sure what time it will be? Here's a handy little tool to help you convert the time. It even has a "personal" time and date converter. You can set up your own page with a selection of cities so that it shows the time in each. For example, my husband is currently in Switzerland, I want to view an online video streaming in Spain this week and I live in Houston, Texas. I simply put all three cities on my personal page and voila, the dates and times are there and I don't have to keep entering them every time I want to make a call. Here's the link: http://www.timeanddate.com/