Business Tip: Say Yes to Marketing
I think it was Dan Kennedy, world famous marketing machine, who said that we are not in the business of X (massage therapist, selling widgets, web designs, etc.) but instead are in the business of marketing. If you own your own business, you know that marketing takes a huge chunk of your time and is critically important to your success in the business.
That being said, it's amazing how many of the business owners I know "hate" marketing or have an aversion to it. I cannot count the times I've heard a smart, ambitious business owner say "but I don't understand why I can't just do my business and have people recognize my value without me having to tell and sell them!". It is the extremely rare business that does not have to market itself.
I have this belief and have experienced it for my own business and also in coaching business clients that because you need to market does not mean it has to be difficult and uncomfortable. There are literally hundreds of ways to market your business. I believe that we all can find the ones that work for us. And by "work for us", I mean are easy and pleasant AND bring the results we desire, that is, success in our business.
Let me give you an example. Every marketing book will tell you that networking is vitally important to your business. They recommend attending one or more, preferably more, of those breakfasts or happy hour business networking meetings. Now I know several folks who are incredibly good at this and love it. Their businesses have grown, some significantly, through this type of marketing alone. But suppose you hate this kind of marketing...dislike getting up early and dressed in a suit for the breakfast meeting, stumbling through the one minute business introduction, shaking hands and smiling for an hour or more with people you don't know. Not all entrepreneurs are naturally inclined to be good at this. Now some people are able to learn this skill and truly enjoy it. If that's you, go for it. Test it out and see if your business grows using this method. If you shudder at the thought of it or make yourself do it out of sheer willpower, trust me, it will show and will put you at a disadvantage. What could be worse, to do something you don't really want to do and not have it show results anyway?
I am a big proponent in finding the right mix of marketing methods based solely on what is right for your style, is easy and pleasant, and by measuring the results it brings you in new clients and customers and income. Here are a few examples:
If you love to write:
- Write articles and submit them to the many print and online journals, magazines, directories including all your contact information and tagline
- Produce written products to give people a taste of who you are or what your business does online
- Offer to write articles as a joint venture with others in or out of your field
- Write a regular column for a local newspaper or magazine
- Create a website for people to get to know you and to sell your products or services
- Send out a direct mail piece, unique and beautiful.
If you never met a stranger and like working with people in person:
- go to those networking meetings mentioned above
- attend other meetings (women outdoors groups, sierra club, junior league, whatever) with the express purpose of networking for your business
- give your business card to every person you meet
If you like talking to groups:
- put on a free workshop at your business or local library. Be sure to have marketing materials to give away
- give speeches to business groups, professional associations or wherever your clients and customers hang out
If you speak well, but are nervous about large groups:
- give a free "teleclass" on a topic of your choice
- give an interview on the radio
- create an audio product such as an interview with you or even a short class that can be offered as a giveaway to help people get to know you and your business
These ideas just barely touch on the many ways you can market your business. I'd love to hear from you about what works for you? Please leave a comment.
All blog content is copyrighted, all rights reserved, Mary Anne Fields and Life Unfolds, 2006
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