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Monday, December 11, 2006

FIve Ways to Touch Your Clients

As small business owners, we know how important our clients are to our livelihood. Marketing experts say it takes abour seven "touches" with someone before they will feel comfortable buying from you. And this is at the low end of buying. If it is high end, like coaching or therapy or big ticket items, it may take more. I'm always looking for more creative ways to connect with potential clients and students and customers. Here are a few from my own experience.

1. Go through your files or database or customer list right now. Separate the names into currently hot (bought in the last three months), stale (bought in the last year) and cold (bought prior to one year ago). Also separate out those that contacted you, maybe take your ezine, but have never bought from you. Develop a contact email or snail mail for each category offering something to bring them back into an active status. Make it enticing and they will come. Be sure to track the responses so you can repeat successes and improve failures.

2. Send out a holiday greeting. It doesn't have to be in December. Any holiday will do. Be sure to include something about your business, a new offering, a new service or product.

3. Send out birthday greetings on their birthday and include a special offer. Also don't forget to celebrate your own business milestones (one year in business, certifications, store openings, ezine anniversary, etc.) by sending out a mailer.

4. Send out a greeting on a non-standard celebration, such as Bastille Day or Groundshog Day, etc. Make it funny or entertaining and include a special offer.

5. Give a free assessment. Invite them to visit your website where they can take a free assessment on something that relates to your business. ("how happy are you" "are you ready for a new career" "find the perfect holiday gift for your mate" etc.)

All content copyrighted, 2006, Life Unfolds and Mary Anne Fields. All rights reserved.


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