Business as Expression of Self and Success
Does your business allow you to express who you really are? Does it show your true face to the world and allow you to use your gifts, talents and best traits? The happiest people are those that are the most authentic. That is, there is congruency between who they are and how they feel and what they do. This self-expression, when played out in all areas of our lives, can lead to increased satisfaction and happiness.
At a recent business conference in NYC, I had the opportunity to witness several small business owners talking about their businesses. When they talked about their businesses, some displayed such obvious passion. It showed up in how they spoke, their body language, their facial expressions, and the emotion of joy or excitement was clear to everyone. It made the audience want to be a part of it, to support it, and generally got us all excited about their business. When those who presented did not have that passion, it was more disagreeable to watch. It was easier to lose interest or be bored or to criticize mentally. If you can replace the audience at this conference mentally with customers or vendors or bankers, you can see why your business success could depend on you being in a business about which you are passionate and fully invested.
So how does your business line up with who you really are? Does it match your values? Does it allow you to use your talents and gifts? Are your personality and traits used to their best advantage in your business? Does it use your strengths more than play on your weaknesses? Does it work with your intended lifestyle? All of these are important areas of consideration when planning or redesigning your business.
Your business can and should be a powerful way for you to express who you are to the world at large. I challenge you to make adjustments or wholesale changes to your business so that it is more in alignment with the real you.
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